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Recently, Dr. Milton Friedman, one of very few intellectual adversaries of Dr. Ching, passed away. Dr. Ching considers Dr. Friedman the greatest thinker of the twentieth century, but I believe that post-science is more advanced than Dr. Friedman in knowledge. I strongly feel, with a sense of urgency, that writing a unrestricted biography of Dr. Ching should be of utmost importance to the advancement of knowledge. Also, as his student with some identifiable contributions, I would be able to give a full description of his contributions void of distracting biases of either over-modesty or immodesty, usually attached to autobiographies.
Dr. Ching was born in Shanghai, China and traveled with his parents to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, then back to Taiwan, again to Japan, and finally landed in San Francisco, USA for Junior High School. His grand parents were the richest people in Shanghai. Instead of making money, Dr. Ching uses his biological inheritance to solve the most important problem in making money, namely, the solution to price determination. After graduating from MIT with SB, SM, and ScD, he did research under Dr. Harold Grad at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. With the guidance and approval of Dr. Grad, he formulated the Generalized Fluid Description as the correct theoretical foundation for plasma physics. Unfortunately, only Dr. Grad and a few members of the Courant Institute could understand his discovery, which today should still be the only correct foundation for plasma physics.
With the encourage of Dr. Grad and Prof. Paul Feyerabend of the Department of Philosophy, Dr. Ching advanced his studies from science to post-science, knowledge beyond science, dealing with social and life sciences. In the past thirty years, Dr. Ching has solved the problems of value, software, and touch. Problems in physical science involve generally about five variables. The problem of value, as most problems in social science, has a minimum of fifty variables, as indicated by the number of inputs in its commercial product, the Infinite Spreadsheet (http://www.infinitespreadsheet.com). The problem of software, as all problems in life science, has around five hundred, or virtually unlimited number of, variables. Even the problem of touch, which is a problem in physical science, has twenty-five variables.
Physical science deals with subtle knowledge, not common sense. Only a small percentage of human population can understand science. Most people accept science on faith. Here, I can name all the people who can understand post-science in this biographical sketch. The late Dr. Ta-You Wu, the Father of Chinese Physics, was the only person who could think the problem of touch, which is missed by Isaac Newton and all the scientists since Newton. Dr. Wu even coined the word "jumpulse" to denote a sudden change of force, extending Newton's impulse, which is a sudden change of momentum.
The people who approve the solution of value are Dr. Bill Kinnard, Dr. William Seidman, Dr. Gerard Debreu, and Dr. Kenneth Arrow. Unable to understand until death, Dr. Friedman represents the cutoff point in intelligence and training in understanding the solution of value. After very intensive debate, the solution was approved by the US Patent Office (Pat. No. 6,078,901); it would never be approved by the peer review process, which filters out all the truly original discoveries, or innovations without peers. Only Prof. C. V. Ramamoorthy, with his life-time knowledge of software can fully grasp the solution of software of Dr. Ching. Again, the US Patent Office approved the technical workability of the completely automated software (Pat. No. 5,485,601). Dr. T. L. Kunii, the top intellectual and educator from Japan, even without the technical understanding, is able to realize the significance of Dr. Ching's solutions in post-science.
Dr. Ching's solutions, even though understandable to only a handful of people, are verified in practice. Jumpulse tennis, which explains prolonged contact between the ball and the racket during impact, is the technique used by most professional tennis players. The Infinite Spreadsheet has predicted the US Savings and Loan Crisis and has proven to be almost infallible in nine-months of stock investment and in real estate investment for the past thirty years. Today's popular windows graphic user interface employs one of the three innovations, namely, Universal User Interface, in Dr. Ching's completely automated software. Virtual machines constructed after Dr. Ching's invention infringe on one of its innovations, namely, Universal Computer Source Code, which I discovered; the invention can be considered a novel use of an old idea, namely, the virtual machine. Universal Data Files, which is described fully in the patent, is the only remaining innovation to be used by the public.
One of the byproduct of the complete automated software is Universal Permanent Numbers, which could be the simplest commercial product from post-science and a central innovation in knowledge management. Universal Permanent Numbers are the set of distinct integers from minus infinity to plus infinity. Because they are distinct universally and permanently, they can be uniquely searched globally by any web search engines which allows the submission of the Numbers. The meanings of the unlimited amount of Universal Permanent Numbers will be remembered by the completely automated software.
Physical science imposes its acceptance on society by its contribution to military competition, which no one can ignore. Post-science is far more relevant than physical science, but can only exert its influence passively. Dr. Ching is fortunate to be supported throughout his life by people not only of knowledge, but also of intellectual integrity. Dr. Ching has expressed that there will definitely be far intelligent people than himself in the future to handle the technology of creating life, which is mankind's destiny. But, with the approval of, and significance recognized by, the world's leading intellectuals and with the support of Dr. Kunii and Prof. Ramamoorthy, Dr. Hugh Ching has few peers in knowledge. I hope that my introduction of Dr. Ching will serve to awaken more people of conscience and attract more people of knowledge to the advancement of mankind's common heritage, the future mainstream of knowledge, post-science.